Quest hunter walkthrough
Quest hunter walkthrough

quest hunter walkthrough

Exploring maps is a challenge in itself, as many will take you through winding corridors in order to test your equipment and preparedness, and keeping a healthy amount of torches on-hand is important. Early on in the game, you’ll have to recover a key item for an NPC and return it to them at their place in a level or gather a specific number of resources, though you’ll eventually be moving from map to map in order to complete grander objectives, such as pilfering dungeons, rescuing maidens, and getting to the bottom of overarching mysteries. While in these maps, you may encounter all sorts of characters and creatures, some of which are friendly, as you attempt to achieve your goal.

quest hunter walkthrough

Additionally, you can dig any- and everywhere by pressing the r button, which proves useful for a particular facet of gameplay. The remaining face buttons are used for executing assigned skills, which unlock based on level, operate on cooldowns, and become stronger depending on what materials you feed them. Fortunately, you’re not defenseless- armed with a sword and shield, you can use the a button to slash back at your enemies and the zr button to block incoming attacks. Monsters will shy away from the light, but human enemies will track you down in order to kill you mercilessly, causing your inventory to explode into a hundred stacks of materials. These areas are sometimes small, but more often than not, they are wide-open playgrounds teeming with enemies, traps, and plenty of unlit torches, which serve as quicksave points and barriers from most kinds of unintelligent aggression. While completing quests- and really, any sort of quest will do- you’ll need to explore a variety of environments, which can be selected from a large world map with various interconnected routes.

quest hunter walkthrough

Armed with a trusty shovel and a hand-full of dreams, you’ll set out towards getting your bearings straight by accepting the duties and tasks set forth for you by multiple NPCs. In order to get yourself airborne once more, you’ll need to find out who is behind the sun-stealing and figure out your alliances and allegiances in this strange land. The sun has been stolen, and in the ensuing chaos, a lone adventurer’s airship has crash-landed in treacherous territory. Quest Hunter is a co-operative, top-down Role-Playing Game with a focus on… well, quest hunting.

Quest hunter walkthrough